GraphCommerces uses Linqui for interface translations. This guide provides an introduction to how translations work in your graphCommerce app and how to add support for a language of your choosing.
All available interface translations are stored as .po files in the /locales directory.
Example of /locales/es.po
msgid "Your cart is empty"
msgstr "Su carrito está vacío"
msgid "Your session is expired"
msgstr "Su sesión ha caducado"
msgid "canceled"
msgstr "cancelado"
The msgid is the message being translated. In
you can see that the first msgid is passed as a the id prop to the <Trans>
title={<Trans id="Your cart is empty" />}
In /locales/en.po, find the msgid Your cart is empty
and change the msgstr:
msgid "Your cart is empty"
msgstr "Empty cart!"
Refresh to see your changes updated
If you're building a component, you can wrap the strings you want to translate
in the <Trans>
<Typography variant='h3'>
<Trans id='Call us now' />
To translate a string:
<PageMeta title={i18n._(/* i18n */ `Blog`)} />
The /* i18n */
comment is required for lingui extract
to work properly
Add Linqui to the component's imports:
import { Trans } from '@lingui/react'
import { i18n } from '@lingui/core'
Run yarn lingui
. All new (missing) translations will be added to translations
//Example terminal output
│ Language │ Total count │ Missing │
│ en (source) │ 208 │ - │
│ nl │ 208 │ 1 │
│ es │ 208 │ 1 │
Edit the translations files to add your translation:
//Example from /locales/es.po
msgid "Call us now"
msgstr ""
to translationsYou can pass values in msgid's:
title={t`Cart (${data?.cart?.total_quantity ?? 0})`}
The syntax in the translation files:
//Example from /locales/en.po
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "Cart"
msgid "Cart ({0})"
msgstr "Cart ({0})"
Create a new storeview and configure the locale,
Admin > Store > Configuration > General > General > Locale
. Choose one of
the options from the Magento Locale codes (below).
In your graphcommerce.config.js file, add the desired locale
to the
i18n config environment
variable. The route will be visible to the user (added to the url) when the
user switches storeview.
It's considered best practice to match the route with the store code, replacing an underscore for a dash. For example, to add Swedish (Finland), which has store code sv_FI, add the following:
//Example from graphcommerce.config.js
* Docs:
* @type {import('@graphcommerce/next-config/src/generated/config').GraphCommerceConfig}
const config = {
i18n: [
{ locale: 'sv-fi', magentoStoreCode: 'sv_FI', linguiLocale: 'sv' },
{ locale: 'fr-be', magentoStoreCode: 'sv_FI', linguiLocale: 'fr-be' },
yarn lingui
://Example terminal output
│ Language │ Total count │ Missing │
│ en (source) │ 208 │ - │
│ sv │ 208 │ 208 │
│ fr-be │ 208 │ 208 │
A new .po translation file will be generated in the /locales directory, the filename matching the object key or, in case a locale code is used, matching the charactes before the dash (which represent the language).
In the example above, the filename would result in sv.po
//Example from /locales/sv.po
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-30 14:45+0200\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: @lingui/cli\n"
"Language: sv\n"
msgid "<0>{name}</0> has been added to your shopping cart!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Above <0/>"
msgstr ""
msgid "Account"
msgstr ""
Tip: Github copilot ↗ provides very accurate suggestions in VS Code with the Github copilot extention ↗.
and en-gb
Configure linguiLocale
in the storefront config.