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Page Meta data

Page meta data is handled by the import { PageMeta } from '@graphcommerce/next-ui' component. Depending on the page, the props that are passed are static or dynamic (functional page titles are hardcoded).

// Example from /cart.tsx

  title={t`Cart (${data?.cart?.total_quantity ?? 0})`}
  metaDescription={t`Cart Items`}
  // canonial={''}

Dynamic example

// Example from /product/[url].tsx

  title={page?.metaTitle ?? title ?? ''}
  metaDescription={page?.metaDescription ?? ''}

Generate the XML sitemap

GraphCommerce uses next-sitemap ↗ to generate the sitemap, which is located in the directory /public/sitemap.xml. For example, view the demo sitemap.xml ↗

Generating the sitemap.xml file is part of the static build process. Use yarn build to initiate the build process and to generate a new sitemap.xml file.

Sitemap generation uses the canonicalBaseUrl configuration.

Modify /robots.txt

GraphCommerce creates a /robots.txt file on build time. Its contents can be modified by editing /next-sitemap.js. For example, view the demo robots.txt ↗

Generating the robot.txt file is part of the static build process. Use yarn build to initiate the build process and to generate a new robots.txt file.

Next steps