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GraphQL Mesh

GraphQL Mesh is a framework that helps shape and build an executable GraphQL schema from multiple data sources.

Differences between standard GraphQL Mesh

  1. All the configurations are passed through the @graphcommerce/graphql-mesh/meshConfig method which allows you to create plugins for the mesh configuration
  2. Backend requests are automatically retried with an exponential backoff strategy.
  3. additionalTypeDefs, additionalResolver, sources.handlers.openapi.source accept module patterns @graphcommerce/my-package/resolver.ts
  4. *.graphqls files are automatically loaded from the project root.
  5. For all packages schema/**/*.graphqls are automatically loaded.
  6. Magento version based graphql schema files are automatically loaded from their respective schema246 / schema247 etc. folders.


To make modifications to the Mesh configuration, you can:

  1. Modify the meshrc.yaml to make it suit your needs.
  2. Write a plugin.

Modify the meshrc.yaml:

You can always modify the base configuration of the Mesh by modifying the meshrc.yaml file.

Write a plugin:

  1. Create a plugin file something like this: plugins/meshConfigMyModifications.ts
import type { meshConfig as meshConfigBase } from '@graphcommerce/graphql-mesh/meshConfig'
import type { FunctionPlugin, PluginConfig } from '@graphcommerce/next-config'

export const config: PluginConfig = {
  module: '@graphcommerce/graphql-mesh/meshConfig',
  type: 'function',

export const meshConfig: FunctionPlugin<typeof meshConfigBase> = (
) => {
    sources: [
        name: 'mySource',
        handler: {
          graphql: {
            endpoint: 'https://my-source.com/graphql',