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Handling links in GraphCommerce

GraphCommerce integrates the next/link functionality with @mui/material's Link and ButtonBase (and all it's derivatives) components with NextLink. There is no need to wrap a Link component with next/link anymore.

NextLink automatically adds target="_blank" when the href is external.

NextLink makes all relative href absolute. <Link href="my-page"/> will be rendered as <Link href="/my-page"/>.


Using NextLink is as simple as using the Link/Button component from @mui/material.

Basic usage

import { Link, Fab, Button } from '@mui/material'

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <Link href='/about'>About</Link>
      <Button href='/bla'>Styled as a button</Button>
      <Link href='https://www.graphcommerce.org/'>GraphCommerce©</Link>

If you want to use props of next/link and satisfy typescript you need to provide component={NextLink}.

import { NextLink } from '@graphcommerce/next-ui'
import { Link } from '@mui/material'

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <Link href='subpage' relative component={NextLink} prefetch={false}>
import { NextLink } from '@graphcommerce/next-ui'
import { Chip } from '@mui/material'

function MyComponent() {
  return <Chip component={NextLink} href={`/${url}`} label={'my label'} />

Further reading