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GoogleDatalayerConfig to allow enabling certain aspects of the datalayer

coreWebVitals: boolean

Enable core web vitals tracking for GraphCommerce

GraphCommerce configuration system

Global GraphCommerce configuration can be configured in your graphcommerce.config.js file in the root of your project and are automatically validated on startup.

Configuring with the configuration file.

The configuration file is a javascript file that exports a GraphCommerceConfig object. See graphcommerce.config.js.example for an example.

Using configuration

Configuration can be accessed in your project with the import.meta.graphCommerce object.

import { storefrontAll, storefrontConfig, storefrontConfigDefault, useStorefrontConfig } from '@graphcommerce/next-ui'

// Accessing a global value
const globalConf = import.meta.graphCommerce.cartDisplayPricesInclTax

function MyComponent() {
  // Configuration configured per storefront locale.
  const scopedConfig = useStorefrontConfig().cartDisplayPricesInclTax

  // Creating a fallback system
  const scopedConfigWithFallback = scopedConfig ?? globalConf

  // Or as single line
  const scopedConfigWithFallback2 =
    useStorefrontConfig().cartDisplayPricesInclTax ?? import.meta.graphCommerce.cartDisplayPricesInclTax

  return <div>{googleRecaptchaKey}</div>

You can also use the configuration in your .meshrc.yml by accessing {graphCommerce.myField}

endpoint: '{graphCommerce.magentoEndpoint}'

Environment variables to override configuration

Configuration values can be overwriten by environment variables, with the following rules:

  • Convert from camelCase to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
  • Prefix with GC_
  • Arrays can be indexed with _0, _1, _2, etc.
  • Objects can be accessed with _<key>.


  • limitSsg -> GC_LIMIT_SSG="1"
  • storefront[0].locale -> GC_STOREFRONT_0_LOCALE="en"
  • debug.pluginStatus -> GC_DEBUG_PLUGIN_STATUS="1"

Exporting current configuration to environment variables

You can export configuration by running yarn graphcommerce export-config

Extending the configuration in your project

Create a graphql/Config.graphqls file in your project and extend the GraphCommerceConfig, GraphCommerceStorefrontConfig inputs to add configuration.

extend input GraphCommerceConfig {
  myConfig: String # or Boolean, or Int, or Float, make required with `!`
extend input GraphCommerceStorefrontConfig {
  myField: Boolean

All configuration values

Below is a list of all possible configurations that can be set by GraphCommerce.


canonicalBaseUrl: string (required)

The canonical base URL is used for SEO purposes.


hygraphEndpoint: string (required)

The HyGraph endpoint.

Read-only endpoint that allows low latency and high read-throughput content delivery.

Project settings -> API Access -> High Performance Read-only Content API

magentoEndpoint: string (required)

GraphQL Magento endpoint.


magentoVersion: number (required)

Version of the Magento backend.

Values: 245, 246, 247 for Magento 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7 respectively.

storefront: GraphCommerceStorefrontConfig[] (required)

All storefront configuration for the project

Configuration for the SidebarGallery component

cartDisplayPricesInclTax: boolean

Due to a limitation of the GraphQL API it is not possible to determine if a cart should be displayed including or excluding tax.

When Magento's StoreConfig adds this value, this can be replaced.

compare: boolean

Use compare functionality

compareVariant: CHECKBOX | ICON = ICON

By default the compare feature is denoted with a 'compare ICON' (2 arrows facing one another). This may be fine for experienced users, but for more clarity it's also possible to present the compare feature as a CHECKBOX accompanied by the 'Compare' label

configurableVariantForSimple: boolean = false

If a simple product is part of a Configurable product page, should the simple product be rendered as a configured option of the configurable product page?

How does this work:

When the products(filters: { url_key: { eq: 'simple-product' } }) { ... } query is ran, Magento also returns the Simple product and the Configurable product the simple belongs to.

If that is the case we render the configurable product page instead of the simple product page but the options to select the simple product are pre-selected.

configurableVariantValues: MagentoConfigurableVariantValues = { content: true, url: true }

When a user selects a variant, it will switch the values on the configurable page with the values of the configured variant.

Enabling options here will allow switching of those variants.

containerSizingContent: BREAKPOINT | FULL_WIDTH = FULL_WIDTH

Configures the max width of the content (main content area)


Configures the max width of the shell (header, footer, overlays, etc.)

crossSellsHideCartItems: boolean = false

Determines if cross sell items should be shown when the user already has the product in their cart. This will result in a product will popping off the screen when you add it to the cart.

Default: 'false'

crossSellsRedirectItems: boolean = false

Determines if, after adding a cross-sell item to the cart, the user should be redirected to the cross-sell items of the product they just added.

Default: 'false'

customerAddressNoteEnable: boolean

Enables the shipping notes field in the checkout

customerCompanyFieldsEnable: boolean

Enables company fields inside the checkout:

  • Company name
  • VAT ID

customerDeleteEnabled: boolean

Enable customer account deletion through the account section

customerXMagentoCacheIdDisable: boolean

X-Magento-Cache-Id allows Varnish to cache requests that are made in the browser while users are logged in. For example the products query can now be cached for logged in users.

This can be disabled when Varnish is running out of available memory.

dataLayer: DatalayerConfig

Datalayer config

debug: GraphCommerceDebugConfig

Debug configuration for GraphCommerce

demoMode: boolean = true

Enables some demo specific code that is probably not useful for a project:

  • Adds the "BY GC" to the product list items.
  • Adds "dominant_color" attribute swatches to the product list items.
  • Creates a big list items in the product list.

enableGuestCheckoutLogin: boolean

Enable Guest Checkout Login: During customer login, GraphCommerce queries Magento to determine whether the customer account already exists or not. If not, the sign-up form is shown instead.

For Magento versions, 2.4.7, 2.4.6-p1 and up, 2.4.5-p3 and up, 2.4.4-p4 and up, the following setting must be set to Yes

Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout -> Checkout Options -> Enable Guest Checkout Login

googleAnalyticsId: string

See https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9539598?hl=en

Provide a value to enable Google Analytics for your store.

To override the value for a specific locale, configure in i18n config.

googlePlaystore: GraphCommerceGooglePlaystoreConfig

To create an assetlinks.json file for the Android app.

googleRecaptchaKey: string

Google reCAPTCHA site key. When using reCAPTCHA, this value is required, even if you are configuring different values for each locale.

Get a site key and a secret key from https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3

The secret key should be added in the Magento admin panel (Stores > Configuration > Security > Google ReCAPTCHA Storefront > reCAPTCHA v3 Invisible) ReCAPTCHA can then be enabled/disabled for the different forms, separately (Stores > Configuration > Security > Google ReCAPTCHA Storefront > Storefront)

googleTagmanagerId: string

The Google Tagmanager ID to be used on the site.

This value is required even if you are configuring different values for each locale.

hygraphManagementApi: string

Hygraph Management API. Only used for migrations.

Optional: If the hygraphEndpoint is configured with the 'High Performance Content API', this field is not required.

hygraphProjectId: string

Hygraph Project ID. Only used for migrations.

Optional: If the hygraphEndpoint is configured with the 'High Performance Content API', this field is not required.

hygraphWriteAccessToken: string

Hygraph Management SDK Authorization Token. Only used for migrations.

Project settings -> API Access -> Permanent Auth Tokens

  1. Click 'Add token' and give it a name, something like 'GraphCommerce Write Access Token' and keep stage on 'Published'.
  2. Under 'Management API', click 'Yes, Initialize defaults'
  3. Click 'Edit Permissions' and enable: 'Update' and 'Delete' permissions for 'models', 'enumerations', 'fields', 'components' and 'sources'
  • Update existing models
  • Delete existing models
  • Update existing fields
  • Delete existing fields
  • Update existing enumerations
  • Delete existing enumerations
  • Update existing components
  • Delete existing components
  • Update remote sources
  • Delete remote sources
  • Read existing environments
  • Read public content views
  • Create public content views
  • Update public content views
  • Delete public content views
  • Can see schema view
yarn graphcommerce hygraph-migrate

limitSsg: boolean

Limit the static generation of SSG when building.

By default GraphCommerce will statically generate all product and category pages during build. This can take quite a long time, to skip this step set this value to true.

permissions: GraphCommercePermissions

Allows the option to require login or completely disable certain sections of the site, can be overriden per storeview with the storefrontConfig

previewSecret: string

To enable next.js' preview mode, configure the secret you'd like to use.

productFiltersLayout: DEFAULT | SIDEBAR = DEFAULT

Layout how the filters are rendered. DEFAULT: Will be rendered as horzontal chips on desktop and mobile SIDEBAR: Will be rendered as a sidebar on desktop and horizontal chips on mobile

productFiltersPro: boolean

Product filters with better UI for mobile and desktop.

productListPaginationVariant: COMPACT | EXTENDED = COMPACT

Pagination variant for the product listings.

COMPACT means: "< Page X of Y >" EXTENDED means: "< 1 2 ... 4 [5] 6 ... 10 11 >"

productRoute: string

By default we route products to /p/[url] but you can change this to /product/[url] if you wish.

Default: '/p/' Example: '/product/'

recentlyViewedProducts: RecentlyViewedProductsConfig

Settings for recently viewed products

robotsAllow: boolean

Allow the site to be indexed by search engines. If false, the robots.txt file will be set to disallow all.

sidebarGallery: SidebarGalleryConfig

Configuration for the SidebarGallery component

wishlistHideForGuests: boolean

Hide the wishlist functionality for guests.

wishlistShowFeedbackMessage: boolean

Show a message when the product is added to the wishlist.


Debug configuration for GraphCommerce

cart: boolean

Enable debugging interface to debug sessions

pluginStatus: boolean

Reports which plugins are enabled or disabled.

sessions: boolean

Enable debugging interface to debug sessions

webpackCircularDependencyPlugin: boolean

Cyclic dependencies can cause memory issues and other strange bugs. This plugin will warn you when it detects a cyclic dependency.

When running into memory issues, it can be useful to enable this plugin.

webpackDuplicatesPlugin: boolean

When updating packages it can happen that the same package is included with different versions in the same project.

Issues that this can cause are:

  • The same package is included multiple times in the bundle, increasing the bundle size.
  • The Typescript types of the package are not compatible with each other, causing Typescript errors.


See https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/verify-android-applinks#web-assoc

packageName: string (required)

The package name of the Android app.

sha256CertificateFingerprint: string (required)

The sha256 certificate fingerprint of the Android app.


Permissions input


Changes the availability of the add to cart buttons and the cart page to either customer only or completely disables it.


Changes the availability of the checkout to either customer only or completely disables it.


Enables / disabled the account section of the website. DISABLE_REGISTRATION will only disable the registration page.

website: ENABLED

Allows the option to require login or completely disable the site.


All storefront configuration for the project

locale: string (required)

Must be a locale string for automatic redirects to work.

This value can be used as a sub-path identifier only, make sure linguiLocale is configured for each URL.

magentoStoreCode: string (required)

Magento store code.

Stores => All Stores => [Store View] => Store View Code


  • default
  • en-us
  • b2b-us

canonicalBaseUrl: string

The canonical base URL is used for SEO purposes.


cartDisplayPricesInclTax: boolean

Due to a limitation of the GraphQL API it is not possible to determine if a cart should be displayed including or excluding tax.

customerCompanyFieldsEnable: boolean

Enables company fields inside the checkout:

  • Company name
  • VAT ID

defaultLocale: boolean

There can only be one entry with defaultLocale set to true.

  • If there are more, the first one is used.
  • If there is none, the first entry is used.

domain: string

Domain configuration, must be a domain https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986

googleAnalyticsId: string

Configure different Google Analytics IDs for different locales.

To disable for a specific locale, set the value to null.

googleRecaptchaKey: string

Locale specific google reCAPTCHA key.

googleTagmanagerId: string

The Google Tagmanager ID to be used per locale.

hygraphLocales: string[]

Add a gcms-locales header to make sure queries return in a certain language, can be an array to define fallbacks.

linguiLocale: string

Custom locale used to load the .po files. Must be a valid locale, also used for Intl functions.

permissions: GraphCommercePermissions

Allows the option to require login or completely disable certain sections of the site on a per store basis

robotsAllow: boolean

Allow the site to be indexed by search engines. If false, the robots.txt file will be set to disallow all.


Options to configure which values will be replaced when a variant is selected on the product page.

content: boolean

Use the name, description, short description and meta data from the configured variant

This option enables the automatic update of product gallery images on the product page when a variant is selected, provided that the gallery images for the selected variant differ from the currently displayed images.

url: boolean

When a variant is selected the URL of the product will be changed in the address bar.

This only happens when the actual variant is can be accessed by the URL.


Settings for recently viewed products

enabled: boolean

Enable/disable recently viewed products

maxCount: number

Number of recently viewed products to be stored in localStorage


SidebarGalleryConfig will contain all configuration values for the Sidebar Gallery component.

paginationVariant: DOTS | THUMBNAILS_BOTTOM

Variant used for the pagination