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To integrate with Magento, most of the functionality should work out-of-the box if Magento exposes a working GraphQL API.

Some additional configuration may be required, which is documented below.

Currently, the GraphQL API also has some bugs and limitations which in some cases requires a patch to work around, please see Known issues

Magento configuration

Configure the Base Link Url's to match your GraphCommerce frontend URL per storeview with the locale included. e.g. https://graphcommerce.vercel.app/nl/

Unsecure: Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Web -> Base URLs -> Base Link Url

Secure: Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Web -> Base URLs (secure) -> Base Link Url

If you are including the store code in the URL you can configure the above on the website scope without the locale added.

To properly redirect to the actual URL used in the fontend add redirects to next.config.js:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const config = {
  async redirects() {
    return [
      { source: '/b2b_nl/:path*', destination: '/nl/:path*', permanent: false },
      { source: '/b2b_en/:path*', destination: '/en/:path*', permanent: false },

Configure the address lines to fix the checkout

Set the number of address lines to 3. (default is 2)

For Magento Open Source: Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration -> Name and address options

For Adobe Commerce: Stores -> Attributes -> Customer Address -> street -> Lines Count

Remove URL suffixes from products and categorories (optional)

GraphCommerce does not support URL suffixes, because Next.js can not handle urls ending in .html. When migrating from an existing shop, GraphCommerce will automatically redirect to the suffix-less URL. However, GraphCommerce will need to do an additional query to Magento to find the route.

If you are starting out from a new project, we recommend to remove the URL suffixes from products and categories.

Remove the URL suffixes from products and categories. (default is .html) Stores -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog -> Search Engine Optimization -> Product URL Suffix Stores -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog -> Search Engine Optimization -> Category URL Suffix

Optional packages

Payment gateways

Next steps