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Build custom pages in GraphCommerce

Previously, you created a custom storefront and started customizing your storefront in GraphCommerce. You're now ready to build pages in your GraphCommerce app.

In this tutorial, you'll accomplish a series of tasks to add some specific functionality to your custom storefront. The result will be simple, but you'll learn where to find resources to build more complex features on your own.

When you only want to create a new content page for a specific URL based on Hygraph rows, you don't need to create a custom template: After creating a page in Hygraph it will automatically be handled by the /pages/[...url].tsx route.

What you'll learn

  • Create a new route
  • Add the page GraphQL queries required to render the layout (header, footer)
  • Use getStaticProps to fetch Hygraph data
  • Use getStaticPaths to provide a list of all URLs to pre-render


You've familiarized yourself with React ↗, Next.js ↗, and Mui ↗. GraphCommerce is a frontend React framework that uses Next.js for server-side rendering.

Create the route

  • Create a new file, /pages/about/about-us.tsx:
export default function AboutUs() {
  return <>About Us</>

Add GraphQL query

  • In /about/about-us.tsx, replace the previous code with the following:
import { PageOptions } from '@graphcommerce/framer-next-pages'
import { StoreConfigDocument } from '@graphcommerce/magento-store'
import {
} from '@graphcommerce/next-ui'
import {
} from '../../components'
import {
} from '../../lib/graphql/graphqlSsrClient'

type GetPageStaticProps = GetStaticProps<LayoutNavigationProps>

function AboutUs() {
  return (
        <LayoutTitle size='small' component='span'>
          About us
      <PageMeta title='About us' />
      <LayoutTitle>About us</LayoutTitle>

const pageOptions: PageOptions<LayoutNavigationProps> = {
  Layout: LayoutNavigation,
AboutUs.pageOptions = pageOptions

export default AboutUs

export const getStaticProps: GetPageStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const client = graphqlSharedClient(context)
  const staticClient = graphqlSsrClient(context)

  const conf = client.query({ query: StoreConfigDocument })
  const layout = staticClient.query({
    query: LayoutDocument,
    fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',

  return {
    props: {
      ...(await layout).data,
      apolloState: await conf.then(() => client.cache.extract()),
    revalidate: 60 * 20,

Page with page layout (header, footer)

Page with page layout (header, footer)
# Example from /components/Layout/Layout.graphql (LayoutDocument)
query Layout {
  menu: categories {

In the getStaticProps function, the query StoreConfigDocument is used to fetch information about the Magento storeview. Then, the query LayoutDocument is used to fetch the data required to render the menu, footer and page content.

The function getStaticProps is used to fetch data, meaning content is rendered on the server. Review the page's source code and search for About Us to validate that this string (currently hard-coded) is part of the source code.

Add Hygraph content to the page

  • Login to Hygraph, navigate to Content and add a new Page entry with URL: about/about-us
  • Replace the content of the about-us.tsx file with:
import { PageOptions } from '@graphcommerce/framer-next-pages'
import {
} from '@graphcommerce/hygraph-ui'
import { StoreConfigDocument } from '@graphcommerce/magento-store'
import {
} from '@graphcommerce/next-ui'
import { GetStaticPaths } from 'next'
import {
} from '../../components'
import {
} from '../../lib/graphql/graphqlSsrClient'

type Props = HygraphPagesQuery
type RouteProps = { url: string }
type GetPageStaticPaths = GetStaticPaths<RouteProps>
type GetPageStaticProps = GetStaticProps<

function AboutUs(props: Props) {
  const { pages } = props
  const page = pages[0]

  return (
        <LayoutTitle size='small' component='span'>
        title={page.metaTitle ?? ''}

      <RowRenderer content={page.content} />

const pageOptions: PageOptions<LayoutNavigationProps> = {
  Layout: LayoutNavigation,
AboutUs.pageOptions = pageOptions

export default AboutUs

export const getStaticProps: GetPageStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const client = graphqlSharedClient(context)
  const staticClient = graphqlSsrClient(context)

  const conf = client.query({ query: StoreConfigDocument })
  const page = hygraphPageContent(staticClient, 'about/about-us')
  const layout = staticClient.query({
    query: LayoutDocument,
    fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',

  if (!(await page).data.pages?.[0]) return { notFound: true }

  return {
    props: {
      ...(await page).data,
      ...(await layout).data,
      apolloState: await conf.then(() => client.cache.extract()),
    revalidate: 60 * 20,

Fetch page content from Hygraph

Fetch page content from Hygraph

Hygraph entry

Hygraph entry

Add pre-rendering with getStaticPaths

  • Rename /about/about-us.tsx to /about/[url].tsx
  • In /about/[url].tsx, replace the getStaticProps function with the following:
export const getStaticPaths: GetPageStaticPaths = (context) => ({
  paths: [],
  fallback: 'blocking',

export const getStaticProps: GetPageStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const { params } = context
  const client = graphqlSharedClient(context)
  const staticClient = graphqlSsrClient(context)

  const conf = client.query({ query: StoreConfigDocument })
  const page = hygraphPageContent(staticClient, `about/${params?.url}`)
  const layout = staticClient.query({
    query: LayoutDocument,
    fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',

  if (!(await page).data.pages?.[0]) return { notFound: true }

  return {
    props: {
      ...(await page).data,
      ...(await layout).data,
      apolloState: await conf.then(() => client.cache.extract()),
    revalidate: 60 * 20,

By renaming the file to /about/[url].tsx, all routes starting with /about/ will be handled by the file (dynamic routing). Pages that have dynamic routes need a list of paths to be statically generated.

All paths specified by a function called getStaticPaths will be statically pre-rendered at build-time.

In the example above, the array with paths is empty. The required getStaticPaths function is there, but no URLs are pre-rendered. Because getStaticPaths has the option fallback: 'blocking', the paths that have not been pre-rendered at built-time will not result in a 404:

From the getStaticPaths API reference ↗: If fallback is 'blocking', new paths not returned by getStaticPaths will wait for the HTML to be generated, identical to SSR (hence why blocking), and then be cached for future requests so it only happens once per path.

Pre-render all /about/ pages from Hygraph

  • In /about/[url].tsx, replace the getStaticPaths function with the following:
export const getStaticPaths: GetPageStaticPaths = async ({ locales = [] }) => {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development')
    return { paths: [], fallback: 'blocking' }

  const path = async (locale: string) => {
    const client = graphqlSsrClient(locale)
    const { data } = await client.query({
      query: PagesStaticPathsDocument,
      variables: {
        first: import.meta.graphCommerce.limitSsg ? 1 : 1000,
        urlStartsWith: 'about',
    return data.pages.map((page) => ({
      params: { url: page.url.split('/').slice(1) },
  const paths = (await Promise.all(locales.map(path))).flat(1)

  return { paths, fallback: 'blocking' }

The PagesStaticPathsDocument query is used to fetch all pages from Hygraph that have a URL starting with 'about'. The locale options from the context object are used to create an array:

// Terminal output for console.log(paths), upon refreshing the page

  { params: { url: 'about-us' }, locale: 'en-us' },
  { params: { url: 'about-us' }, locale: 'nl' },
  { params: { url: 'about-us' }, locale: 'fr-be' },
  { params: { url: 'about-us' }, locale: 'nl-be' },
  { params: { url: 'about-us' }, locale: 'en-gb' },
  { params: { url: 'about-us' }, locale: 'en-ca' },

Build your local environment

You can test the static build process by running it locally:

  • cd /examples/magento-graphcms/ Navigate to the project directory
  • yarn build Start static build process

Successful pre-render of the about/about-us page

Successful pre-render of the about/about-us page

Next steps